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synced 2025-01-18 19:02:37 +00:00
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463 lines
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import core.time;
import core.memory;
import std.algorithm.searching;
import std.array;
import std.base64;
import std.digest;
import file = std.file;
import std.format;
import std.getopt;
import std.json;
import std.math;
import std.net.curl;
import std.parallelism;
import std.path;
import std.uni;
import std.uuid;
import std.zip;
import vibe.core.core;
import vibe.http.websockets;
import vibe.http.server;
import vibe.http.router;
import vibe.stream.tls;
import vibe.web.web;
import slf4d;
import slf4d: Logger;
import slf4d.default_provider;
import provision;
import provision.androidlibrary;
__gshared string libraryPath;
enum brandingCode = format!"anisette-v3-server v%s"(provisionVersion);
enum clientInfo = "<MacBookPro13,2> <macOS;13.1;22C65> <com.apple.AuthKit/1 (com.apple.dt.Xcode/3594.4.19)>";
enum dsId = -2;
__gshared ADI v1Adi;
__gshared Device v1Device;
__gshared Duration timeout;
int main(string[] args) {
debug {
configureLoggingProvider(new shared DefaultProvider(true, Levels.DEBUG));
} else {
configureLoggingProvider(new shared DefaultProvider(true, Levels.INFO));
Logger log = getLogger();
string hostname = "";
ushort port = 6969;
string configurationPath = expandTilde("~/.config/anisette-v3");
string certificateChainPath = null;
string privateKeyPath = null;
long timeoutMsecs = 3000;
bool skipServerStartup = false;
auto helpInformation = getopt(
"n|host", format!"The hostname to bind to (default: %s)"(hostname), &hostname,
"p|port", format!"The port to bind to (default: %s)"(port), &port,
"a|adi-path", format!"Where the provisioning information should be stored on the computer for anisette-v1 backwards compat (default: %s)"(configurationPath), &configurationPath,
"timeout", format!"Timeout duration for Anisette V3 in milliseconds (default: %d)"(timeoutMsecs), &timeoutMsecs,
"private-key", "Path to the PEM-formatted private key file for HTTPS support (requires --cert-chain)", &certificateChainPath,
"cert-chain", "Path to the PEM-formatted certificate chain file for HTTPS support (requires --private-key)", &privateKeyPath,
"skip-server-startup", "If provided the server will skip HTTP binding and instead execute only initial configuration (if needed).", &skipServerStartup,
timeout = dur!"msecs"(timeoutMsecs);
if ((certificateChainPath && !privateKeyPath) || (!certificateChainPath && privateKeyPath)) {
log.error("--certificate-chain and --private-key must both be specified for HTTPS support (they can be both be in the same file though).");
return 1;
if (helpInformation.helpWanted) {
defaultGetoptPrinter("anisette-server with v3 support", helpInformation.options);
return 0;
if (!file.exists(configurationPath)) {
libraryPath = configurationPath.buildPath("lib");
string provisioningPathV3 = file.getcwd().buildPath("provisioning");
if (!file.exists(provisioningPathV3)) {
auto coreADIPath = libraryPath.buildPath("libCoreADI.so");
auto SSCPath = libraryPath.buildPath("libstoreservicescore.so");
if (!(file.exists(coreADIPath) && file.exists(SSCPath))) {
auto http = HTTP();
log.info("Downloading libraries from Apple servers...");
auto apkData = get!(HTTP, ubyte)("https://apps.mzstatic.com/content/android-apple-music-apk/applemusic.apk", http);
log.info("Done !");
auto apk = new ZipArchive(apkData);
auto dir = apk.directory();
if (!file.exists(libraryPath)) {
version (X86_64) {
enum string architectureIdentifier = "x86_64";
} else version (X86) {
enum string architectureIdentifier = "x86";
} else version (AArch64) {
enum string architectureIdentifier = "arm64-v8a";
} else version (ARM) {
enum string architectureIdentifier = "armeabi-v7a";
} else {
static assert(false, "Architecture not supported :(");
file.write(coreADIPath, apk.expand(dir["lib/" ~ architectureIdentifier ~ "/libCoreADI.so"]));
file.write(SSCPath, apk.expand(dir["lib/" ~ architectureIdentifier ~ "/libstoreservicescore.so"]));
// Initializing ADI and machine if it has not already been made.
v1Device = new Device(configurationPath.buildPath("device.json"));
v1Adi = new ADI(libraryPath);
v1Adi.provisioningPath = configurationPath;
if (!v1Device.initialized) {
log.info("Creating machine... ");
import std.random;
import std.range;
v1Device.serverFriendlyDescription = clientInfo;
v1Device.uniqueDeviceIdentifier = randomUUID().toString().toUpper();
v1Device.adiIdentifier = (cast(ubyte[]) rndGen.take(2).array()).toHexString().toLower();
v1Device.localUserUUID = (cast(ubyte[]) rndGen.take(8).array()).toHexString().toUpper();
log.info("Machine creation done!");
v1Adi.identifier = v1Device.adiIdentifier;
if (!v1Adi.isMachineProvisioned(dsId)) {
log.info("Machine requires provisioning... ");
ProvisioningSession provisioningSession = new ProvisioningSession(v1Adi, v1Device);
log.info("Provisioning done!");
if (skipServerStartup) {
log.info("Configuration complete, shutting down.");
return 0;
// Create the router that will map the incoming requests to request handlers
auto router = new URLRouter();
// Register SampleService as a web service
router.registerWebInterface(new AnisetteService());
// Start up the HTTP server.
auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
settings.port = port;
settings.bindAddresses = [hostname];
settings.sessionStore = new MemorySessionStore;
if (certificateChainPath) {
settings.tlsContext = createTLSContext(TLSContextKind.server);
auto listener = listenHTTP(settings, router);
return runApplication(&args);
class AnisetteService {
void handleV1Request(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {
import std.datetime.systime;
import std.datetime.timezone;
import core.time;
auto log = getLogger();
log.info("[<<] anisette-v1 request");
auto time = Clock.currTime();
auto otp = v1Adi.requestOTP(dsId);
import std.conv;
import std.json;
JSONValue responseJson = [
"X-Apple-I-Client-Time": time.toISOExtString.split('.')[0] ~ "Z",
"X-Apple-I-MD": Base64.encode(otp.oneTimePassword),
"X-Apple-I-MD-M": Base64.encode(otp.machineIdentifier),
"X-Apple-I-MD-RINFO": to!string(17106176),
"X-Apple-I-MD-LU": v1Device.localUserUUID,
"X-Apple-I-SRL-NO": "0",
"X-MMe-Client-Info": v1Device.serverFriendlyDescription,
"X-Apple-I-TimeZone": time.timezone.dstName,
"X-Apple-Locale": "en_US",
"X-Mme-Device-Id": v1Device.uniqueDeviceIdentifier,
res.headers["Implementation-Version"] = brandingCode;
res.writeBody(responseJson.toString(JSONOptions.doNotEscapeSlashes), "application/json");
log.infoF!"[>>] 200 OK %s"(responseJson);
void getClientInfo(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {
auto log = getLogger();
log.info("[<<] anisette-v3 /v3/client_info");
JSONValue responseJson = [
"client_info": clientInfo,
"user_agent": "akd/1.0 CFNetwork/808.1.4"
res.headers["Implementation-Version"] = brandingCode;
res.writeBody(responseJson.toString(JSONOptions.doNotEscapeSlashes), "application/json");
void getHeaders(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res) {
auto log = getLogger();
log.info("[<<] anisette-v3 /v3/get_headers");
string identifier = "(null)";
try {
import std.uuid;
auto json = req.json();
ubyte[] identifierBytes = Base64.decode(json["identifier"].to!string());
ubyte[] adi_pb = Base64.decode(json["adi_pb"].to!string());
identifier = UUID(identifierBytes[0..16]).toString();
auto provisioningPath = file.getcwd()
if (file.exists(provisioningPath)) {
file.write(provisioningPath.buildPath("adi.pb"), adi_pb);
GC.disable(); // garbage collector can deallocate ADI parts since it can't find the pointers.
scope(exit) {
scope ADI adi = makeGarbageCollectedADI(libraryPath);
adi.provisioningPath = provisioningPath;
adi.identifier = identifier.toUpper()[0..16];
auto otp = adi.requestOTP(dsId);
JSONValue response = [ // Provision does no longer have a concept of 'request headers'
"result": "Headers",
"X-Apple-I-MD": Base64.encode(otp.oneTimePassword),
"X-Apple-I-MD-M": Base64.encode(otp.machineIdentifier),
"X-Apple-I-MD-RINFO": "17106176",
res.headers["Implementation-Version"] = brandingCode;
res.writeBody(response.toString(JSONOptions.doNotEscapeSlashes), "application/json");
log.info("[>>] anisette-v3 /v3/get_headers OK.");
} catch (Throwable t) {
JSONValue error = [
"result": "GetHeadersError",
"message": typeid(t).name ~ ": " ~ t.msg
res.headers["Implementation-Version"] = brandingCode;
log.info("[>>] anisette-v3 /v3/get_headers error.");
res.writeBody(error.toString(JSONOptions.doNotEscapeSlashes), "application/json");
} finally {
if (file.exists(
)) {
void provisionSession(scope WebSocket socket) {
auto log = getLogger();
scope(exit) socket.close();
auto requestUUID = randomUUID().toString(); // Assign a random UUID to the request to make it easier to track.
log.infoF!"[<< %s] anisette-v3 /v3/provisionSession connected."(requestUUID);
JSONValue giveIdentifier = [
"result": "GiveIdentifier"
log.infoF!"[>> %s] Asking for identifier."(requestUUID);
if (!socket.waitForData(timeout)) {
JSONValue timeoutJs = [
"result": "Timeout"
log.infoF!"[>> %s] Timeout!"(requestUUID);
string identifier;
try {
auto res = parseJSON(socket.receiveText());
ubyte[] requestedIdentifier = Base64.decode(res["identifier"].str());
log.infoF!"[>> %s] Got it."(requestUUID);
identifier = UUID(requestedIdentifier[0..16]).toString();
} catch (Exception ex) {
JSONValue response = [
"result": "InvalidIdentifier"
log.infoF!"[>> %s] It is invalid: %s"(requestUUID, ex);
log.infoF!("[<< %s] Correct identifier (%s).")(requestUUID, identifier);
GC.disable(); // garbage collector can deallocate ADI parts since it can't find the pointers.
scope(exit) {
scope ADI adi = makeGarbageCollectedADI(libraryPath);
auto provisioningPath = file.getcwd()
adi.provisioningPath = provisioningPath;
scope(exit) {
if (file.exists(provisioningPath)) {
adi.identifier = identifier.toUpper()[0..16];
JSONValue response = [
"result": "GiveStartProvisioningData"
log.infoF!"[>> %s] Okay asking for spim now."(requestUUID);
if (!socket.waitForData(timeout)) {
JSONValue timeoutJs = [
"result": "Timeout"
log.infoF!"[>> %s] Timeout!"(requestUUID);
uint session;
try {
auto res = parseJSON(socket.receiveText());
string spim = res["spim"].str();
log.infoF!"[<< %s] Received SPIM."(requestUUID);
auto cpimAndCo = adi.startProvisioning(-2, Base64.decode(spim));
session = cpimAndCo.session;
scope(failure) adi.destroyProvisioning(session);
response = [
"result": "GiveEndProvisioningData",
"cpim": Base64.encode(cpimAndCo.clientProvisioningIntermediateMetadata)
log.infoF!"[>> %s] Okay gimme ptm tk."(requestUUID);
} catch (Exception ex) {
JSONValue error = [
"result": "StartProvisioningError",
"message": format!"%s (request id: %s)"(ex.msg, requestUUID)
log.errorF!"[>> %s] anisette-v3 error: %s"(requestUUID, ex);
if (!socket.waitForData(timeout)) {
JSONValue timeoutJs = [
"result": "Timeout"
log.infoF!"[>> %s] Timeout!"(requestUUID);
try {
auto res = parseJSON(socket.receiveText());
string ptm = res["ptm"].str();
string tk = res["tk"].str();
log.infoF!"[<< %s] Received PTM and TK."(requestUUID);
adi.endProvisioning(session, Base64.decode(ptm), Base64.decode(tk));
auto adiPath = adi.provisioningPath().buildPath("adi.pb");
file.setAttributes(adiPath, 384); // 0600 = rw for owner
response = [
"result": "ProvisioningSuccess",
"adi_pb": Base64.encode(
cast(ubyte[]) file.read(adiPath)
} catch (Exception ex) {
JSONValue error = [
"result": "EndProvisioningError",
"message": format!"%s (request id: %s)"(ex.msg, requestUUID)
log.errorF!"[>> %s] anisette-v3 error: %s"(requestUUID, ex);
log.infoF!"[>> %s] Okay all right here is your provisioning data."(requestUUID);
private ADI makeGarbageCollectedADI(string libraryPath) {
extern(C) void* malloc_GC(size_t sz) {
return GC.malloc(sz, GC.BlkAttr.NO_MOVE | GC.BlkAttr.NO_SCAN);
extern(C) void free_GC(void* ptr) {
AndroidLibrary storeServicesCore = new AndroidLibrary(libraryPath.buildPath("libstoreservicescore.so"), [
"malloc": cast(void*) &malloc_GC,
"free": cast(void*) &free_GC
return new ADI(libraryPath, storeServicesCore);