diff --git a/ConvertExportedToUnreal.blend b/ConvertExportedToUnreal.blend
index a7c2b54..df05999 100644
Binary files a/ConvertExportedToUnreal.blend and b/ConvertExportedToUnreal.blend differ
diff --git a/ConvertExportedToUnreal.blend1 b/ConvertExportedToUnreal.blend1
index 86d16ae..b8d85da 100644
Binary files a/ConvertExportedToUnreal.blend1 and b/ConvertExportedToUnreal.blend1 differ
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 64bc6db..afa7014 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
## Overview
### Needed software
-[PAYDAY 2 Model Tool](https://github.com/kythyria/payday2-model-tool)
+[PAYDAY 2 Model Tool](https://github.com/kythyria/payday2-model-tool/releases)
### pdworld2json.py
@@ -24,4 +24,102 @@ Makes it easier to export models by just letting it run via a bat in the backgro
### ModelCopyForBlender.bat
Makes it easier to set up a work folder for blender
-## Get started
\ No newline at end of file
+## Get started
+### Download the project files.
+![Download files by using Download ZIP](/assets/images/DWL1.png)
+Extract the contents, make sure you have enough space for the game assets later. The extracted game assets are quite large.
+### Export Level data
+Install [DieselBundleViewer](https://github.com/Luffyyy/DieselBundleViewer) and open payday2s bundle_db.blb
+![Open DieselBundleViewer](/assets/images/DBV1.png)
+![Open bundle_db.blb](/assets/images/DBV2.png)
+Navigate to /levels/narratives and chose a map to port in my case First World Bank
+![Navigate to /levels/narratives/classics/red2](/assets/images/DBV3.png)
+![Then go in the world folder](/assets/images/DBV4.png)
+![Press Convert and Save as](/assets/images/DBV5.png)
+![Then save it on the /WorldFiles/DieselWorldCONTINENT](/assets/images/DBV6.png)
+### Get started with pdworld2json.py
+Install python
+![Open a Powershell Terminal and write python](/assets/images/IP31.png)
+![It should open the windows store, hit install and let it finish installing python](/assets/images/IP32.png)
+![After the install make sure if it is installed](/assets/images/IP33.png)
+You can also just install it a different way this is just the easiest.
+Next install the requirements using requirements.txt
+Open a Powershell Terminal in the Folder you extracted the project files.
+Then use the command
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+Next run this command to convert the world.continent to a json
+python .\pdworld2json.py
+![You should have a world.json like this](/assets/images/PDWJ3.png)
+**It should also have printed out what files you will need to export u will need to remember that**
+### Export the needed assets from the game
+Go back to Diesel Bundle Viewer and navigate to /units
+Export the needed files Printed out by pdworld2json.py (In my case it is pd2_dlc_red, pd2_dlc_drive, pd2_dlc1, payday2, pd2_dlc_arena, pd2_dlc_eng, units, pd2_dlc2, vehicles, pd2_dlc_casino, lights, world, equipment, dev_tools, pd2_mcmansion)
+Mark them Right Click and Press save as and save them in your project folder in a folder called "units"
+### Convert .model files in the unit folder and make them ready for blender
+Make sure to download [PAYDAY 2 Model Tool](https://github.com/kythyria/payday2-model-tool/releases) [PAYDAY-2-Hashlist](https://github.com/Luffyyy/PAYDAY-2-Hashlist)
+![Extract PD2ModelParser.exe like this](/assets/images/TMF1.png)
+![Next extract the hashlist in the root of the PD2ModelParser.exe this is very important or else the rest will not work](/assets/images/TMF2.png)
+If all done right just open ExportModels.bat and it should export the models. It will take a bit for it to finish so sit back and relax.
+You can also use this, it is faster, but i found if it encounters an error it will crash, and not export the rest, using the .bat makes if it encounters an error it will just continue.
+.\PD2ModelParser.exe --batch-export=VALUE
+After it finished, we need to sort the data for the next step, so open ModelCopyForBlender.bat
+It should have created 2 more folders output and textures, and copied the data needed for blender.
+### Fixing the models using blender and a script
+Now we should have a bunch of models with the .gltf inside output with the proper folder structure but they are not really usable in unreal.
+So download [Blender](https://www.blender.org/) if you haven't already and open ConvertExportedToUnreal.blend.
+If for some reason you cant open the .blend file anymore, you can just make a new project and load the blender_script.py.
+If up to this point you have done everything correct you should be able to hit the run script button, and wait for it to finish.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/WorldFiles/DieselWorldCONTINENT/FirstWorldTest.continent b/WorldFiles/DieselWorldCONTINENT/FirstWorldTest.continent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7285650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WorldFiles/DieselWorldCONTINENT/FirstWorldTest.continent
@@ -0,0 +1,12464 @@
diff --git a/WorldFiles/UnrealJSON/FirstWorldTest.json b/WorldFiles/UnrealJSON/FirstWorldTest.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c85c532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WorldFiles/UnrealJSON/FirstWorldTest.json
@@ -0,0 +1,57810 @@
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1206.0,
+ "y": -2976.0,
+ "z": 475.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "floor_lamp",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
+ "name": "100751"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1064.0,
+ "y": -3599.0,
+ "z": 566.342
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.382684 -0.923879",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 45.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "desk_papertray",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_papertray/desk_papertray.desk_papertray'",
+ "name": "100788"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1019.0,
+ "y": -3571.0,
+ "z": 566.342
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.382684 -0.923879",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 45.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "desk_lamp_04",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_lamp_04/desk_lamp_04.desk_lamp_04'",
+ "name": "100790"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 450.0,
+ "y": -2675.0,
+ "z": 475.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "floor_lamp",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
+ "name": "100796"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 971.0,
+ "y": -3618.0,
+ "z": 476.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.991445 -0.130526",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 165.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "computer_case",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_case/computer_case.computer_case'",
+ "name": "100807"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 863.0,
+ "y": -3519.0,
+ "z": 476.386
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 -0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "chair_03",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_03/chair_03.chair_03'",
+ "name": "100812"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 756.0,
+ "y": -3576.0,
+ "z": 566.342
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "desk_folderpile_04",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_04/desk_folderpile_04.desk_folderpile_04'",
+ "name": "100813"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 773.0,
+ "y": -3618.0,
+ "z": 566.342
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "desk_book",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_book/desk_book.desk_book'",
+ "name": "100814"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 881.0,
+ "y": -3601.0,
+ "z": 475.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 1 5.96047E-08",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -180.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "boss_desk",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/boss_desk/boss_desk.boss_desk'",
+ "name": "100815"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 583.0,
+ "y": -3235.0,
+ "z": 476.699
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.139173 -0.990268",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 16.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "chair_03",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_03/chair_03.chair_03'",
+ "name": "100816"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 772.0,
+ "y": -3496.0,
+ "z": 476.386
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 -0.382684 -0.923879",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -45.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "chair_03",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_03/chair_03.chair_03'",
+ "name": "100819"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 590.0,
+ "y": -3300.0,
+ "z": 476.136
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 -0.25038 -0.968148",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -29.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "chair_03",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_03/chair_03.chair_03'",
+ "name": "100821"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 2638.0,
+ "y": 1229.0,
+ "z": 5.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "floor_lamp",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
+ "name": "100860"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 2102.4,
+ "y": 1282.47,
+ "z": 5.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 1 -0",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -180.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "watercooler",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/water/watercooler/watercooler.watercooler'",
+ "name": "100865"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1867.4,
+ "y": 740.47,
+ "z": 5.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "receptiondesk_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_02/receptiondesk_02.receptiondesk_02'",
+ "name": "100886"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1865.4,
+ "y": 906.47,
+ "z": 5.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "receptiondesk_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_02/receptiondesk_02.receptiondesk_02'",
+ "name": "100887"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1865.4,
+ "y": 997.47,
+ "z": 5.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0 -1",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -0.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "trash_can_int",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_can_int/trash_can_int.trash_can_int'",
+ "name": "100888"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 2400.0,
+ "y": -1050.0,
+ "z": -25.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "-2.98024E-08 -9.31322E-09 -0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": 0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "table_coffee_01",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/tables/table_coffee_01/table_coffee_01.table_coffee_01'",
+ "name": "100891"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1949.4,
+ "y": -626.5,
+ "z": -25.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "floor_lamp",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
+ "name": "100893"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1440.4,
+ "y": 291.47,
+ "z": -25.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "receptiondesk_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_02/receptiondesk_02.receptiondesk_02'",
+ "name": "100906"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 767.4,
+ "y": 869.47,
+ "z": 5.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 -0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "trash_can_int",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_can_int/trash_can_int.trash_can_int'",
+ "name": "100910"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1449.4,
+ "y": -242.529,
+ "z": -25.916
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "-2.71419E-24 -1.65436E-24 0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "receptiondesk_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_02/receptiondesk_02.receptiondesk_02'",
+ "name": "100913"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1875.0,
+ "y": -400.0,
+ "z": -25.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 1 5.96046E-08",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -180.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "ticket_dispenser_01",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/ticket_dispenser/ticket_dispenser_01/ticket_dispenser_01.ticket_dispenser_01'",
+ "name": "100914"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1800.0,
+ "y": -1100.0,
+ "z": -24.9994
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 -0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "watercooler",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/water/watercooler/watercooler.watercooler'",
+ "name": "100916"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1353.0,
+ "y": -1324.0,
+ "z": 475.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.92388 -0.382683",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 135.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "flag_us",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/flags/flag_us/flag_us.flag_us'",
+ "name": "100918"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1719.0,
+ "y": -1102.0,
+ "z": -25.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.382683 -0.92388",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 45.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "flag_us",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/flags/flag_us/flag_us.flag_us'",
+ "name": "100922"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1111.0,
+ "y": 822.0,
+ "z": 98.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 -0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "desk_folderpile_01",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_01/desk_folderpile_01.desk_folderpile_01'",
+ "name": "100926"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1168.4,
+ "y": 843.47,
+ "z": 5.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 1 -0",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -180.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "receptiondesk_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_02/receptiondesk_02.receptiondesk_02'",
+ "name": "100927"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 881.398,
+ "y": 1238.47,
+ "z": 5.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 1 -0",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -180.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "trash_can_int",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_can_int/trash_can_int.trash_can_int'",
+ "name": "100930"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 1283.4,
+ "y": -1192.5,
+ "z": -34.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 1 -0",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -180.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "statue_bust",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/statues/statue_bust/statue_bust.statue_bust'",
+ "name": "100931"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 479.398,
+ "y": 890.47,
+ "z": 105.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "desk_folderpile_05",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_05/desk_folderpile_05.desk_folderpile_05'",
+ "name": "100950"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 874.398,
+ "y": -976.5,
+ "z": 4.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0 -1",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -0.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "receptiondesk_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_02/receptiondesk_02.receptiondesk_02'",
+ "name": "100951"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 458.398,
+ "y": 681.47,
+ "z": 76.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "desk_phone_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_phone_02/desk_phone_02.desk_phone_02'",
+ "name": "100960"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 441.0,
+ "y": 525.0,
+ "z": 75.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 -0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -90.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "calculator",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/calculator/calculator/calculator.calculator'",
+ "name": "100963"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 511.398,
+ "y": 944.47,
+ "z": 9.431
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0 -1",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -0.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "queue_pole_2",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/queue_pole/queue_pole_2/queue_pole_2.queue_pole_2'",
+ "name": "100969"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "fan_table",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/fan_table/fan_table/fan_table.fan_table'",
+ "name": "100970"
+ },
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "computer_keyboard",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "100973"
+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "computer_keyboard",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "100974"
+ },
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_can_int/trash_can_int.trash_can_int'",
+ "name": "100977"
+ },
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_01/desk_folderpile_01.desk_folderpile_01'",
+ "name": "100979"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_book/desk_book.desk_book'",
+ "name": "100983"
+ },
+ {
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "trash_basket",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_basket/trash_basket.trash_basket'",
+ "name": "100993"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "a4paperbox_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/a4paperbox_02/a4paperbox_02.a4paperbox_02'",
+ "name": "100994"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 537.398,
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/queue_pole/queue_pole_1/queue_pole_1.queue_pole_1'",
+ "name": "100995"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": -336.07,
+ "z": 76.0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "100996"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "computer_keyboard",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "101002"
+ },
+ {
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "computer_keyboard",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "101005"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "trash_basket",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_basket/trash_basket.trash_basket'",
+ "name": "101006"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "computer_keyboard",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "101010"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/fan_table/fan_table/fan_table.fan_table'",
+ "name": "101012"
+ },
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+ "position": {
+ "x": 310.398,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/queue_pole/queue_pole_1/queue_pole_1.queue_pole_1'",
+ "name": "101014"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "computer_keyboard",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "101021"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_01/desk_folderpile_01.desk_folderpile_01'",
+ "name": "101027"
+ },
+ {
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "desk_book",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_book/desk_book.desk_book'",
+ "name": "101030"
+ },
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+ "yaw": -0.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "queue_pole_2",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/queue_pole/queue_pole_2/queue_pole_2.queue_pole_2'",
+ "name": "101032"
+ },
+ {
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "copy_machine1",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/copy_machine/copy_machine1/copy_machine1.copy_machine1'",
+ "name": "101033"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "floor_lamp",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
+ "name": "101040"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
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+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_80deep_04/shelf_80deep_04.shelf_80deep_04'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "roof_lamp",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/roof_lamp/roof_lamp/roof_lamp.roof_lamp'",
+ "name": "101059"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 2471.05,
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+ "z": 586.0
+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_80deep_04/shelf_80deep_04.shelf_80deep_04'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/wallclock/wallclock_01/wallclock_01.wallclock_01'",
+ "name": "101095"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": -1617.68,
+ "z": 476.0
+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_80deep_03/shelf_80deep_03.shelf_80deep_03'",
+ "name": "101105"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 2471.05,
+ "y": -1617.68,
+ "z": 476.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_80deep_03/shelf_80deep_03.shelf_80deep_03'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 2402.0,
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_projector/computer_projector.computer_projector'",
+ "name": "101113"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 2822.0,
+ "y": -2231.0,
+ "z": 513.037
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/fixtures/fixtures_wallsocket/fixtures_wallsocket.fixtures_wallsocket'",
+ "name": "101133"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "101136"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/briefcase/briefcase1/briefcase1.briefcase1'",
+ "name": "101150"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/roof_lamp/roof_lamp/roof_lamp.roof_lamp'",
+ "name": "101157"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 2596.0,
+ "y": -2948.0,
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_80deep_04/shelf_80deep_04.shelf_80deep_04'",
+ "name": "101193"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/a4paperbox_02/a4paperbox_02.a4paperbox_02'",
+ "name": "101195"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_basket/trash_basket.trash_basket'",
+ "name": "101197"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 2465.0,
+ "y": -2956.0,
+ "z": 476.0
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_80deep_01/shelf_80deep_01.shelf_80deep_01'",
+ "name": "101200"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": -2948.0,
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_80deep_03/shelf_80deep_03.shelf_80deep_03'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "computer_projectorcloth_01",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_projectorcloth_01/computer_projectorcloth_01.computer_projectorcloth_01'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/table/office_table_conference_01/office_table_conference_01.office_table_conference_01'",
+ "name": "101046"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ "unit_description": "shelf_bookpile_small",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_bookpile_small/shelf_bookpile_small.shelf_bookpile_small'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 2491.05,
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_bookpile_small/shelf_bookpile_small.shelf_bookpile_small'",
+ "name": "101056"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_bookpile_small/shelf_bookpile_small.shelf_bookpile_small'",
+ "name": "101057"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_bookpile_small/shelf_bookpile_small.shelf_bookpile_small'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_bookpile_small/shelf_bookpile_small.shelf_bookpile_small'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_01/desk_folderpile_01.desk_folderpile_01'",
+ "name": "101092"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_01/desk_folderpile_01.desk_folderpile_01'",
+ "name": "101093"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/fixtures/fixtures_wallsocket/fixtures_wallsocket.fixtures_wallsocket'",
+ "name": "101097"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
+ "name": "101102"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101103"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "101109"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "101114"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101171"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "101153"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": -2924.0,
+ "z": 610.0
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+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_book_01/shelf_book_01.shelf_book_01'",
+ "name": "101182"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/a4paperbox_02/a4paperbox_02.a4paperbox_02'",
+ "name": "101184"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_book_01/shelf_book_01.shelf_book_01'",
+ "name": "101178"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_book_01/shelf_book_01.shelf_book_01'",
+ "name": "101190"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_01/desk_folderpile_01.desk_folderpile_01'",
+ "name": "101198"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "101225"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_lamp_04/desk_lamp_04.desk_lamp_04'",
+ "name": "101232"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_papertray/desk_papertray.desk_papertray'",
+ "name": "101233"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "desk_book",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_book/desk_book.desk_book'",
+ "name": "101235"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_04/desk_folderpile_04.desk_folderpile_04'",
+ "name": "101236"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_case/computer_case.computer_case'",
+ "name": "101237"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/boss_desk/boss_desk.boss_desk'",
+ "name": "101238"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_03/chair_03.chair_03'",
+ "name": "101239"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_03/chair_03.chair_03'",
+ "name": "101240"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101304"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/water/watercooler/watercooler.watercooler'",
+ "name": "101315"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/water/watercooler/watercooler.watercooler'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/cubicle/cubicle1/cubicle1.cubicle1'",
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+ "name": "101408"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/cubicle/cubicle1/cubicle1.cubicle1'",
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+ "name": "101440"
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/briefcase/briefcase1/briefcase1.briefcase1'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/flags/flag_us/flag_us.flag_us'",
+ "name": "101518"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/flags/flag_us/flag_us.flag_us'",
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+ },
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+ "name": "100025"
+ },
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+ "name": "100040"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101042"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_phone_02/desk_phone_02.desk_phone_02'",
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+ },
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+ "name": "101740"
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_case/computer_case.computer_case'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/office_desk03/office_desk03.office_desk03'",
+ "name": "101768"
+ },
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+ "y": 2217.0,
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+ "yaw": -0.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "101774"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "office_desk03",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/office_desk03/office_desk03.office_desk03'",
+ "name": "101775"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_basket/trash_basket.trash_basket'",
+ "name": "101778"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "trash_basket",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_basket/trash_basket.trash_basket'",
+ "name": "101780"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
+ "name": "101785"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/vending_machine/vending_machine_01/vending_machine_01.vending_machine_01'",
+ "name": "101508"
+ },
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "computer_keyboard",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "101790"
+ },
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+ "x": 2249.0,
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "computer_keyboard",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "101793"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_briefing/office_chair_briefing.office_chair_briefing'",
+ "name": "101795"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "office_chair_briefing",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_briefing/office_chair_briefing.office_chair_briefing'",
+ "name": "101796"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
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+ "z": 311.954
+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/airconditioner/airconditioner_01/airconditioner_01.airconditioner_01'",
+ "name": "101798"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/airconditioner/airconditioner_01/airconditioner_01.airconditioner_01'",
+ "name": "101799"
+ },
+ {
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+ "yaw": -90.0,
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_05/desk_folderpile_05.desk_folderpile_05'",
+ "name": "101802"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 2472.0,
+ "y": 2941.0,
+ "z": -25.0001
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/water/watercooler/watercooler.watercooler'",
+ "name": "101807"
+ },
+ {
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
+ "name": "101797"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 2034.0,
+ "y": 3232.0,
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/whiteboard/whiteboard_02/whiteboard_02.whiteboard_02'",
+ "name": "101810"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 2742.0,
+ "y": 3556.0,
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
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+ },
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+ "name": "101847"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": 249.0,
+ "z": 68.2224
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_01/desk_folderpile_01.desk_folderpile_01'",
+ "name": "101855"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/whiteboard/whiteboard_02/whiteboard_02.whiteboard_02'",
+ "name": "101863"
+ },
+ {
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+ "z": -25.0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "102065"
+ },
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+ "y": 1937.0,
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+ },
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+ "name": "102066"
+ },
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+ "name": "102073"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 423.0,
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_briefing/office_chair_briefing.office_chair_briefing'",
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+ },
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+ "x": 484.0,
+ "y": 1521.0,
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+ "name": "102080"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/queue_pole/queue_pole_2/queue_pole_2.queue_pole_2'",
+ "name": "102084"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/gym/stn_prop_socketwire/stn_prop_socket_wire/stn_prop_socket_wire.stn_prop_socket_wire'",
+ "name": "102099"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/gym/stn_prop_clipboard/stn_prop_clipboard_yellow/stn_prop_clipboard_yellow.stn_prop_clipboard_yellow'",
+ "name": "102104"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/gym/stn_cover_dispatch_central/stn_cover_dispatch_central/stn_cover_dispatch_central.stn_cover_dispatch_central'",
+ "name": "100074"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/gym/stn_prop_cabinet/stn_prop_cabinet_high/stn_prop_cabinet_high.stn_prop_cabinet_high'",
+ "name": "102113"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/yacht/flowers/lxy_prop_flower_vase/lxy_prop_flower_vase.lxy_prop_flower_vase'",
+ "name": "102131"
+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "statue_bust",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/statues/statue_bust/statue_bust.statue_bust'",
+ "name": "102180"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "c4_plantable",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/equipment/c4_charge/c4_plantable/c4_plantable.c4_plantable'",
+ "name": "102277"
+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "c4_plantable",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/equipment/c4_charge/c4_plantable/c4_plantable.c4_plantable'",
+ "name": "102278"
+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "security_door_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/security_door/security_door_02/security_door_02.security_door_02'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/copy_machine/copy_machine_smuggle/copy_machine_smuggle.copy_machine_smuggle'",
+ "name": "100013"
+ },
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+ "unit_description": "copy_machine_03",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/copy_machine/copy_machine_03/copy_machine_03.copy_machine_03'",
+ "name": "102738"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/yacht/flowers/lxy_prop_flower_vase/lxy_prop_flower_vase.lxy_prop_flower_vase'",
+ "name": "102711"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/office_desk02/office_desk02.office_desk02'",
+ "name": "100109"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/office_desk02/office_desk02.office_desk02'",
+ "name": "100107"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "102788"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/briefcase/briefcase1/briefcase1.briefcase1'",
+ "name": "102790"
+ },
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+ "name": "102791"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/equipment/thermite/thermite_02/thermite_02.thermite_02'",
+ "name": "100005"
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+ "name": "100907"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder_pile/binder_pile.binder_pile'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "queue_pole_2",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/queue_pole/queue_pole_2/queue_pole_2.queue_pole_2'",
+ "name": "104096"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/flags/flag_us/flag_us.flag_us'",
+ "name": "100948"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
+ "name": "104239"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/whiteboard/whiteboard_03/whiteboard_03.whiteboard_03'",
+ "name": "101252"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/whiteboard/whiteboard_02/whiteboard_02.whiteboard_02'",
+ "name": "102468"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/control_panel/control_panel/control_panel.control_panel'",
+ "name": "103412"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/control_panel/control_panel/control_panel.control_panel'",
+ "name": "103413"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "104400"
+ },
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+ "name": "104403"
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/gym/stn_prop_monitor/stn_prop_monitor/stn_prop_monitor.stn_prop_monitor'",
+ "name": "104415"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/gym/stn_prop_rackmonitor/stn_prop_rack_monitor/stn_prop_rack_monitor.stn_prop_rack_monitor'",
+ "name": "104416"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "100707"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/gym/stn_prop_socketwire/stn_prop_socket_wire/stn_prop_socket_wire.stn_prop_socket_wire'",
+ "name": "100742"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_basket/trash_basket.trash_basket'",
+ "name": "104436"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "104421"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_01/computer_01.computer_01'",
+ "name": "104442"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/roof_lamp/roof_lamp/roof_lamp.roof_lamp'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/airconditioner/airconditioner_01/airconditioner_01.airconditioner_01'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/water/watercooler/watercooler.watercooler'",
+ "name": "104452"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/wall_lamp/wall_lamp.wall_lamp'",
+ "name": "100848"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/wall_lamp/wall_lamp.wall_lamp'",
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+ },
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+ "name": "100861"
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+ "name": "100864"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/wall_lamp/wall_lamp.wall_lamp'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder_pile/binder_pile.binder_pile'",
+ "name": "102171"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/statues/statue_bust/statue_bust.statue_bust'",
+ "name": "105982"
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+ "name": "106067"
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+ "name": "106079"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/equipment/c4_charge/c4_plantable/c4_plantable.c4_plantable'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/equipment/c4_charge/c4_plantable/c4_plantable.c4_plantable'",
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+ "name": "107091"
+ },
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+ "name": "103023"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101017"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_case/computer_case.computer_case'",
+ "name": "102445"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/apartment/residential/props_residential_fridge/props_residential_fridge.props_residential_fridge'",
+ "name": "100590"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/whiteboard/whiteboard_01/whiteboard_01.whiteboard_01'",
+ "name": "102664"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/whiteboard/whiteboard_03/whiteboard_03.whiteboard_03'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/penholder/penholder/penholder.penholder'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
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+ },
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+ "unit_description": "office_chair_boss_noarms",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_boss_noarms/office_chair_boss_noarms.office_chair_boss_noarms'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_room/mus/mus/mus.mus'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/sofas/four_seat_sofa/four_seat_sofa.four_seat_sofa'",
+ "name": "102667"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/sofas/two_seat_sofa/two_seat_sofa.two_seat_sofa'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_projector/computer_projector.computer_projector'",
+ "name": "103266"
+ },
+ {
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+ "z": 453.309
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_projectorcloth_01/computer_projectorcloth_01.computer_projectorcloth_01'",
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+ "z": 465.309
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_briefing/office_chair_briefing.office_chair_briefing'",
+ "name": "103269"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "whiteboard_03",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/whiteboard/whiteboard_03/whiteboard_03.whiteboard_03'",
+ "name": "103271"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": -3200.0,
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+ "z": 787.413
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/roof_lamp/roof_lamp/roof_lamp.roof_lamp'",
+ "name": "103274"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/roof_lamp/roof_lamp/roof_lamp.roof_lamp'",
+ "name": "103275"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/roof_lamp/roof_lamp/roof_lamp.roof_lamp'",
+ "name": "103277"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "103300"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "103301"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "103304"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/office_desk03/office_desk03.office_desk03'",
+ "name": "101812"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/copy_machine/copy_machine1/copy_machine1.copy_machine1'",
+ "name": "101811"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101816"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/briefcase/briefcase1/briefcase1.briefcase1'",
+ "name": "101818"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/filecabinet/prop_filecabinet_02/prop_filecabinet_02.prop_filecabinet_02'",
+ "name": "101820"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/filecabinet/prop_filecabinet_01/prop_filecabinet_01.prop_filecabinet_01'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/a4paperbox_bottom_01/a4paperbox_bottom_01.a4paperbox_bottom_01'",
+ "name": "103418"
+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "binder",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
+ "name": "103177"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "103419"
+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "binder",
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+ "name": "103421"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_basket/trash_basket.trash_basket'",
+ "name": "101845"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_06/desk_folderpile_06.desk_folderpile_06'",
+ "name": "103438"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_phone_02/desk_phone_02.desk_phone_02'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_bookpile_small/shelf_bookpile_small.shelf_bookpile_small'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_book_03/shelf_book_03.shelf_book_03'",
+ "name": "103443"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_book_04/shelf_book_04.shelf_book_04'",
+ "name": "103445"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_book_04/shelf_book_04.shelf_book_04'",
+ "name": "103446"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_bookpile_small/shelf_bookpile_small.shelf_bookpile_small'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/mansion/man_prop_int_radiator/man_prop_int_radiator/man_prop_int_radiator.man_prop_int_radiator'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/mansion/man_prop_int_radiator/man_prop_int_radiator/man_prop_int_radiator.man_prop_int_radiator'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
+ "name": "103462"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/filecabinet/prop_filecabinet_02/prop_filecabinet_02.prop_filecabinet_02'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/control_panel/control_panel/control_panel.control_panel'",
+ "name": "103496"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/a4paperbox_bottom_01/a4paperbox_bottom_01.a4paperbox_bottom_01'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/books_coffetable/books_coffetable/books_coffetable.books_coffetable'",
+ "name": "101833"
+ },
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+ "name": "101834"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/books_coffetable/books_coffetable/books_coffetable.books_coffetable'",
+ "name": "101837"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/a4paperbox_bottom_01/a4paperbox_bottom_01.a4paperbox_bottom_01'",
+ "name": "101843"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_02/desk_folderpile_02.desk_folderpile_02'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_02/desk_folderpile_02.desk_folderpile_02'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/apartment/cords/cord_floor_01/cord_floor_01.cord_floor_01'",
+ "name": "103429"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/apartment/cords/cord_floor_01/cord_floor_01.cord_floor_01'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/wall_lamp/wall_lamp.wall_lamp'",
+ "name": "103547"
+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "wall_lamp",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/wall_lamp/wall_lamp.wall_lamp'",
+ "name": "103548"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/water/watercooler/watercooler.watercooler'",
+ "name": "103563"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/gym/stn_prop_monitor/stn_prop_monitor/stn_prop_monitor.stn_prop_monitor'",
+ "name": "103574"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/briefcase/briefcase1/briefcase1.briefcase1'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "103608"
+ },
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+ "name": "101496"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/copy_machine/copy_machine_03/copy_machine_03.copy_machine_03'",
+ "name": "101390"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101399"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/tables/table_coffee_02/table_coffee_02.table_coffee_02'",
+ "name": "101483"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/queue_pole/queue_pole_1/queue_pole_1.queue_pole_1'",
+ "name": "101106"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/queue_pole/queue_pole_2/queue_pole_2.queue_pole_2'",
+ "name": "101126"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/queue_pole/queue_pole_2/queue_pole_2.queue_pole_2'",
+ "name": "100939"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/queue_pole/queue_pole_2/queue_pole_2.queue_pole_2'",
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+ },
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+ "name": "100728"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/pictureframe/pictureframe/pictureframe.pictureframe'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "100827"
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+ "name": "101248"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_glass/receptiondesk_glass.receptiondesk_glass'",
+ "name": "100779"
+ },
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+ "name": "100783"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101298"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/office_desk02/office_desk02.office_desk02'",
+ "name": "102597"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/office_desk02/office_desk02.office_desk02'",
+ "name": "102598"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/office_desk02/office_desk02.office_desk02'",
+ "name": "102599"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/book_shelf/book_shelf/book_shelf.book_shelf'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/book_shelf/book_shelf/book_shelf.book_shelf'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/book_shelf/book_shelf/book_shelf.book_shelf'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/book_shelf/book_shelf/book_shelf.book_shelf'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/book_shelf/book_shelf/book_shelf.book_shelf'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/book_shelf/book_shelf/book_shelf.book_shelf'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/books_coffetable/books_coffetable/books_coffetable.books_coffetable'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
+ "name": "102661"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_01/computer_01.computer_01'",
+ "name": "102936"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_room/mus/mus/mus.mus'",
+ "name": "103069"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder_pile/binder_pile.binder_pile'",
+ "name": "103074"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "103130"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
+ "name": "103131"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/copy_machine/copy_machine1/copy_machine1.copy_machine1'",
+ "name": "103272"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "103305"
+ },
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+ "name": "103306"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
+ "name": "103311"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "103335"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "103259"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_room/mus/mus/mus.mus'",
+ "name": "103616"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_room/mousepad/mousepad/mousepad.mousepad'",
+ "name": "103618"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_room/mus/mus/mus.mus'",
+ "name": "103619"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "103620"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_01/computer_01.computer_01'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_01/computer_01.computer_01'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_01/computer_01.computer_01'",
+ "name": "103624"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_01/computer_01.computer_01'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "103643"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "103649"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
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+ },
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+ "name": "103276"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "102959"
+ },
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+ "name": "103194"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/book_shelf/book_shelf/book_shelf.book_shelf'",
+ "name": "102710"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
+ "name": "100818"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
+ "name": "100838"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/apartment/residential/props_residential_fridge/props_residential_fridge.props_residential_fridge'",
+ "name": "102694"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/apartment/residential/props_residential_fridge/props_residential_fridge.props_residential_fridge'",
+ "name": "103288"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder_pile/binder_pile.binder_pile'",
+ "name": "100245"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_02/receptiondesk_02.receptiondesk_02'",
+ "name": "100780"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_glass/receptiondesk_glass.receptiondesk_glass'",
+ "name": "100756"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_can_int/trash_can_int.trash_can_int'",
+ "name": "100908"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101389"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/office_desk03/office_desk03.office_desk03'",
+ "name": "101446"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/office_desk03/office_desk03.office_desk03'",
+ "name": "101447"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101448"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/copy_machine/copy_machine1/copy_machine1.copy_machine1'",
+ "name": "101435"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101449"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
+ "name": "101420"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
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+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "chair_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
+ "name": "101443"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
+ "name": "101445"
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
+ "name": "101464"
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder_pile/binder_pile.binder_pile'",
+ "name": "101465"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "101468"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
+ "name": "101470"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_01/computer_01.computer_01'",
+ "name": "101472"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder_open_02/binder_open_02.binder_open_02'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
+ "name": "101651"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "101725"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder_pile/binder_pile.binder_pile'",
+ "name": "101760"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101779"
+ },
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+ "name": "101783"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_01/computer_01.computer_01'",
+ "name": "100048"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_01/computer_01.computer_01'",
+ "name": "101269"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "101271"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "101272"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
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+ },
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+ "name": "102128"
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+ "name": "102436"
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_01/computer_01.computer_01'",
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+ },
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+ "name": "102623"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "103347"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/wall_lamp/wall_lamp.wall_lamp'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/book_shelf/book_shelf/book_shelf.book_shelf'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/flags/flag_us/flag_us.flag_us'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_glass_medium/receptiondesk_glass_medium.receptiondesk_glass_medium'",
+ "name": "100307"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_glass_medium/receptiondesk_glass_medium.receptiondesk_glass_medium'",
+ "name": "100308"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_glass_medium/receptiondesk_glass_medium.receptiondesk_glass_medium'",
+ "name": "100309"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_glass/receptiondesk_glass.receptiondesk_glass'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_glass/receptiondesk_glass.receptiondesk_glass'",
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+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "bank_glass_doors",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/bank/glass_door/bank_glass_doors/bank_glass_doors.bank_glass_doors'",
+ "name": "100097"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "office_chair_briefing",
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+ "name": "100321"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_briefing/office_chair_briefing.office_chair_briefing'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_briefing/office_chair_briefing.office_chair_briefing'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_briefing/office_chair_briefing.office_chair_briefing'",
+ "name": "100377"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "100394"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "100396"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "100399"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_lamp_04/desk_lamp_04.desk_lamp_04'",
+ "name": "100402"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
+ "name": "100420"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": -2315.0,
+ "z": 551.222
+ },
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+ "name": "100424"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 2858.0,
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/office_desk03/office_desk03.office_desk03'",
+ "name": "100428"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/desert/des_prop_cardboardbox/des_prop_cardboardbox/des_prop_cardboardbox.des_prop_cardboardbox'",
+ "name": "100437"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "100439"
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+ },
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+ "name": "100432"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/food_court_table/food_court_table/food_court_table.food_court_table'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/food_court_table/food_court_table/food_court_table.food_court_table'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "100287"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/toilet_appliances/toilet_appliances_sink_broken/toilet_appliances_sink_broken.toilet_appliances_sink_broken'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/toilet_appliances/toilet_appliances_soap_dispenser/toilet_appliances_soap_dispenser.toilet_appliances_soap_dispenser'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/toilet_appliances/toilet_appliances_soap_dispenser/toilet_appliances_soap_dispenser.toilet_appliances_soap_dispenser'",
+ "name": "100465"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/toilet_appliances/toilet_appliances_sink/toilet_appliances_sink.toilet_appliances_sink'",
+ "name": "100468"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/toilet_appliances/toilet_appliances_sink/toilet_appliances_sink.toilet_appliances_sink'",
+ "name": "100469"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/toilet_appliances/toilet_appliances_hand_dryer/toilet_appliances_hand_dryer.toilet_appliances_hand_dryer'",
+ "name": "100474"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "100475"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/toilet_appliances/toilet_appliances_soap_dispenser/toilet_appliances_soap_dispenser.toilet_appliances_soap_dispenser'",
+ "name": "100476"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_basket/trash_basket.trash_basket'",
+ "name": "100523"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_basket/trash_basket.trash_basket'",
+ "name": "100524"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/apartment/bathroom_mirror/bathroom_mirror/bathroom_mirror.bathroom_mirror'",
+ "name": "100571"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/apartment/bathroom_mirror/bathroom_mirror/bathroom_mirror.bathroom_mirror'",
+ "name": "100572"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/apartment/bathroom_mirror/bathroom_mirror/bathroom_mirror.bathroom_mirror'",
+ "name": "100573"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/apartment/bathroom_mirror/bathroom_mirror/bathroom_mirror.bathroom_mirror'",
+ "name": "100574"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/roof_lamp/roof_lamp/roof_lamp.roof_lamp'",
+ "name": "100577"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/roof_lamp/roof_lamp/roof_lamp.roof_lamp'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "wall_lamp",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/wall_lamp/wall_lamp.wall_lamp'",
+ "name": "100580"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
+ "name": "100583"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/flags/large_flagpole/large_flagpole.large_flagpole'",
+ "name": "100479"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/flags/large_flagpole/large_flagpole.large_flagpole'",
+ "name": "100482"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "100197"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/flags/large_flagpole/large_flagpole.large_flagpole'",
+ "name": "100205"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/flags/large_flag_us/large_flag_us.large_flag_us'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/flags/large_flagpole/large_flagpole.large_flagpole'",
+ "name": "100481"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/bank/glass_door/bank_glass_doors/bank_glass_doors.bank_glass_doors'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101267"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/bank/outdoor_railing/outdoor_railing_double/outdoor_railing_double.outdoor_railing_double'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/bank/bank_glass_a/bank_glass_a/bank_glass_a.bank_glass_a'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/bank/bank_glass_a/bank_glass_a/bank_glass_a.bank_glass_a'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "binder",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
+ "name": "100265"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101381"
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+ "name": "101382"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "101387"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/sidetable/sidetable/sidetable.sidetable'",
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+ },
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+ "name": "101556"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/magazinerack/office_magazine_02/office_magazine_02.office_magazine_02'",
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+ "name": "101559"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
+ "name": "101877"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_04/desk_folderpile_04.desk_folderpile_04'",
+ "name": "102674"
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+ "name": "102676"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "100738"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/officechair_deluxe/officechair_deluxe/officechair_deluxe.officechair_deluxe'",
+ "name": "103112"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/penholder/penholder/penholder.penholder'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "103174"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "102945"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/mansion/man_prop_statue_karo_base/man_karo_statue_base_2/man_karo_statue_base_2.man_karo_statue_base_2'",
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+ "name": "100929"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "103243"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "102184"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_boss_noarms/office_chair_boss_noarms.office_chair_boss_noarms'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/spotlight_celing_small/spotlight_celing_small.spotlight_celing_small'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "100206"
+ },
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+ "name": "100376"
+ },
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+ "name": "100378"
+ },
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+ "name": "100404"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "100408"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "100498"
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+ "name": "104064"
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+ },
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+ "name": "104195"
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+ "name": "104494"
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+ "name": "104498"
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+ "name": "104541"
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+ "name": "104570"
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+ "name": "104571"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "104644"
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+ },
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+ "name": "104654"
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "104660"
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+ "name": "104662"
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+ },
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+ "name": "104686"
+ },
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+ "name": "104724"
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+ "name": "104726"
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+ "name": "104729"
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+ "name": "104730"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "104737"
+ },
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+ "name": "104744"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "104893"
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/pillar_fence/pillar_fence_single_01/pillar_fence_single_01.pillar_fence_single_01'",
+ "name": "104912"
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/vehicles/charger/low/vehicle_charger_low/vehicle_charger_low.vehicle_charger_low'",
+ "name": "104913"
+ },
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+ "name": "104914"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/street/ground/road/ground_road_20x80/ground_road_20x80.ground_road_20x80'",
+ "name": "104915"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/street/busstop_modern/busstop_modern.busstop_modern'",
+ "name": "104916"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/street/trashcan/trashcan_01/trashcan_01.trashcan_01'",
+ "name": "104917"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "104922"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "104924"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "104925"
+ },
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+ "name": "104926"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/vehicles/taxi/low/vehicle_taxi_low/vehicle_taxi_low.vehicle_taxi_low'",
+ "name": "104927"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "104928"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "104929"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/vehicles/taxi/low/vehicle_taxi_low/vehicle_taxi_low.vehicle_taxi_low'",
+ "name": "104930"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "name": "104932"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "104933"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/street/fence/fence_far_high_pole_01/fence_far_high_pole_01.fence_far_high_pole_01'",
+ "name": "104935"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "104936"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "104937"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/street/fence/fence_far_high_02/fence_far_high_02.fence_far_high_02'",
+ "name": "104938"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/street/street_lights/street_lights/street_lights.street_lights'",
+ "name": "104939"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/vehicles/mondeo/low/vehicle_mondeo_low/vehicle_mondeo_low.vehicle_mondeo_low'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/vehicles/mondeo/low/vehicle_mondeo_low/vehicle_mondeo_low.vehicle_mondeo_low'",
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+ },
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+ "name": "104942"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "104943"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/street/streetplanters_ground/streetplanters_ground.streetplanters_ground'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "104948"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/street/street_bench/street_bench/street_bench.street_bench'",
+ "name": "104949"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "104951"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "104952"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/street/fence/fence_far_high_02/fence_far_high_02.fence_far_high_02'",
+ "name": "104953"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/street/street_lights/street_lights/street_lights.street_lights'",
+ "name": "104954"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ "name": "104955"
+ },
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "name": "104956"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/street/street_bench/street_bench/street_bench.street_bench'",
+ "name": "104957"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/street/street_lights/street_lights/street_lights.street_lights'",
+ "name": "104958"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "104959"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "jungletree_small",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/vegetation/jungle/jungletree_small/jungletree_small.jungletree_small'",
+ "name": "104960"
+ },
+ {
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+ "roll": -0.0
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+ "name": "104961"
+ },
+ {
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ "pitch": 0.004,
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/vehicles/mondeo/low/vehicle_mondeo_low/vehicle_mondeo_low.vehicle_mondeo_low'",
+ "name": "104962"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "104963"
+ },
+ {
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ "name": "104964"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "104965"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "104966"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "104967"
+ },
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+ "name": "104968"
+ },
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+ "name": "104969"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/street/fence/fence_far_high_pole_01/fence_far_high_pole_01.fence_far_high_pole_01'",
+ "name": "104970"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "104973"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/street/store_fronts_int/store_clothesstore_large_02/store_clothesstore_large_02.store_clothesstore_large_02'",
+ "name": "104974"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/street/street_lights/street_lights/street_lights.street_lights'",
+ "name": "104975"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/street/fence/fence_far_high_02/fence_far_high_02.fence_far_high_02'",
+ "name": "104976"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/street/fence/fence_double/fence_double.fence_double'",
+ "name": "104977"
+ },
+ {
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/street/street_lights/street_lights/street_lights.street_lights'",
+ "name": "104978"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": 2377.0,
+ "z": -125.0
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/street/street_bench/street_bench/street_bench.street_bench'",
+ "name": "104979"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "104980"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "104981"
+ },
+ {
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/street/streetplanters_ground/streetplanters_ground.streetplanters_ground'",
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+ },
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+ "name": "104983"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/pillar_fence/pillar_fence_01/pillar_fence_01.pillar_fence_01'",
+ "name": "104984"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/pillar_fence/pillar_fence_01/pillar_fence_01.pillar_fence_01'",
+ "name": "104986"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/street/streetplanters_ground/streetplanters_ground.streetplanters_ground'",
+ "name": "104987"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/vegetation/jungle/jungletree_small/jungletree_small.jungletree_small'",
+ "name": "104988"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "104989"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "104992"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "104994"
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/street/street_bench/street_bench/street_bench.street_bench'",
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+ },
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+ "name": "105000"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/street/street_bench/street_bench/street_bench.street_bench'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/vehicles/charger/low/vehicle_charger_low/vehicle_charger_low.vehicle_charger_low'",
+ "name": "105003"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "105013"
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/bank/bank_glass_b/bank_glass_b/bank_glass_b.bank_glass_b'",
+ "name": "105030"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "105050"
+ },
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+ "name": "105052"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "105053"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "105056"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "105058"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/street/street_lights/street_lights/street_lights.street_lights'",
+ "name": "105059"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": -1625.0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/street/street_lights/street_lights/street_lights.street_lights'",
+ "name": "105060"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 5989.0,
+ "y": 16558.0,
+ "z": -123.999
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+ "name": "105062"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": -2793.0,
+ "y": -4709.0,
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "name": "105063"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "105064"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "105065"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/street/street_lights/street_lights/street_lights.street_lights'",
+ "name": "105066"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": -3025.0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "105067"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "pitch": -0.48,
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/vehicles/mondeo/low/vehicle_mondeo_low/vehicle_mondeo_low.vehicle_mondeo_low'",
+ "name": "105068"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/street/ground/road/backdrop_road_100x100/backdrop_road_100x100.backdrop_road_100x100'",
+ "name": "105070"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "105071"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/vegetation/jungle/jungletree_small/jungletree_small.jungletree_small'",
+ "name": "105072"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": -3396.0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/street/streetplanters_ground/streetplanters_ground.streetplanters_ground'",
+ "name": "105073"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "105074"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/payday2/vehicles/str_vehicle_bmw/str_vehicle_bmw/str_vehicle_bmw.str_vehicle_bmw'",
+ "name": "105075"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "105076"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "105077"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/street/streetplanters_ground/streetplanters_ground.streetplanters_ground'",
+ "name": "105078"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "105080"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "105082"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "105084"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/street/busstop_modern/busstop_modern.busstop_modern'",
+ "name": "105085"
+ },
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+ "y": 1791.0,
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/bank_vent/bank_vent/bank_vent.bank_vent'",
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+ },
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+ "y": -1147.0,
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/bank_vent/bank_vent/bank_vent.bank_vent'",
+ "name": "105087"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/street/facade/facade_03_10m/facade_03_10m.facade_03_10m'",
+ "name": "105088"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "105089"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/signs/sign_wall_big_parking/sign_wall_big_parking.sign_wall_big_parking'",
+ "name": "105090"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/street/street_lights/street_lights/street_lights.street_lights'",
+ "name": "105093"
+ },
+ {
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "name": "105094"
+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "bank_vent",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/bank_vent/bank_vent/bank_vent.bank_vent'",
+ "name": "105095"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "105096"
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/bank_vent/bank_vent/bank_vent.bank_vent'",
+ "name": "105097"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/bank_vent/bank_vent/bank_vent.bank_vent'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/bank_vent/bank_vent/bank_vent.bank_vent'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/bank/glass_door/bank_glass_vault/bank_glass_vault.bank_glass_vault'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "105123"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "105140"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/core/units/light_omni/light_omni/light_omni.light_omni'",
+ "name": "105168"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "100421"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_briefing/office_chair_briefing.office_chair_briefing'",
+ "name": "105949"
+ },
+ {
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+ "yaw": -0.0,
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/fire_extinguisher/fire_extinguisher/fire_extinguisher.fire_extinguisher'",
+ "name": "105939"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/water/watercooler/watercooler.watercooler'",
+ "name": "105941"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": -900.0,
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+ },
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+ "name": "105918"
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+ "name": "100046"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/tables/table_coffee_02/table_coffee_02.table_coffee_02'",
+ "name": "100104"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "102390"
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "102391"
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+ },
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+ "name": "102392"
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+ },
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+ "name": "100051"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "102514"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "100693"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/apartment/door/apartment_door_04/apartment_door_04.apartment_door_04'",
+ "name": "104109"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/control_panel/control_panel/control_panel.control_panel'",
+ "name": "104129"
+ },
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+ "name": "105466"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/pd2_dlc_red/equipment/gen_pku_thermite/gen_pku_thermite/gen_pku_thermite.gen_pku_thermite'",
+ "name": "105471"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/payday2/pickups/gen_pku_toolbag_static/gen_pku_toolbag_static/gen_pku_toolbag_static.gen_pku_toolbag_static'",
+ "name": "105472"
+ },
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+ "z": 475.0
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/copy_machine/copy_machine_smuggle/copy_machine_smuggle.copy_machine_smuggle'",
+ "name": "105563"
+ },
+ {
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/statues/statue_bust/statue_bust.statue_bust'",
+ "name": "102429"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/statues/statue_bust/statue_bust.statue_bust'",
+ "name": "103552"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "103553"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/book_shelf/book_shelf_single/book_shelf_single.book_shelf_single'",
+ "name": "103566"
+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "book_shelf_single",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/book_shelf/book_shelf_single/book_shelf_single.book_shelf_single'",
+ "name": "103568"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
+ "name": "103556"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "103903"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/statues/statue_bust/statue_bust.statue_bust'",
+ "name": "103908"
+ },
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+ "name": "103916"
+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "des_prop_cardboardbox",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/desert/des_prop_cardboardbox/des_prop_cardboardbox/des_prop_cardboardbox.des_prop_cardboardbox'",
+ "name": "103917"
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+ },
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+ "name": "103932"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "name": "103943"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/a4paperbox_bottom_01/a4paperbox_bottom_01.a4paperbox_bottom_01'",
+ "name": "105250"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/books_coffetable/books_coffetable/books_coffetable.books_coffetable'",
+ "name": "105564"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/office_desk03/office_desk03.office_desk03'",
+ "name": "105565"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "105566"
+ },
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+ "z": 708.436
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+ "name": "105616"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/payday2/equipment/gen_equipment_security_camera/gen_equipment_security_camera/gen_equipment_security_camera.gen_equipment_security_camera'",
+ "name": "105618"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/pd2_dlc_red/architecture/red_int_building_lobby/red_int_building_lobby/red_int_building_lobby.red_int_building_lobby'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/pd2_dlc_red/architecture/red_int_office_lower/red_int_office_lower/red_int_office_lower.red_int_office_lower'",
+ "name": "103926"
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+ "name": "100003"
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+ "name": "104791"
+ },
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+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/hotel/flower_pot/flower_pot_big/flower_pot_big.flower_pot_big'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
+ "name": "106174"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder_pile/binder_pile.binder_pile'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/yacht/flowers/lxy_prop_flower_vase/lxy_prop_flower_vase.lxy_prop_flower_vase'",
+ "name": "106184"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 646.0,
+ "y": 2490.0,
+ "z": 55.0
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_lamp_04/desk_lamp_04.desk_lamp_04'",
+ "name": "106185"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 772.0,
+ "y": 2316.0,
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "desk_folderpile_01",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_01/desk_folderpile_01.desk_folderpile_01'",
+ "name": "106186"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 802.0,
+ "y": 2491.0,
+ "z": -25.0
+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": 0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "computer_01",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_01/computer_01.computer_01'",
+ "name": "106188"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 627.0,
+ "y": 2491.0,
+ "z": -25.0
+ },
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "computer_01",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_01/computer_01.computer_01'",
+ "name": "106189"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 223.0,
+ "y": 2471.0,
+ "z": -25.0
+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -0.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "shelf_80deep_03",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_80deep_03/shelf_80deep_03.shelf_80deep_03'",
+ "name": "106190"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": 2467.0,
+ "z": 147.8
+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 180.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "binder_pile",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder_pile/binder_pile.binder_pile'",
+ "name": "106191"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 276.0,
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+ },
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "binder_pile",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder_pile/binder_pile.binder_pile'",
+ "name": "106192"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 173.0,
+ "y": 2468.0,
+ "z": 189.74
+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -0.0,
+ "pitch": -8.0,
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "binder",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
+ "name": "106194"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 189.0,
+ "y": 2468.0,
+ "z": 189.74
+ },
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "binder",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
+ "name": "106195"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
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+ "y": 2472.0,
+ "z": 189.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 2.11758E-22 0.382683 -0.92388",
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "desk_lamp_04",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_lamp_04/desk_lamp_04.desk_lamp_04'",
+ "name": "106196"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 223.0,
+ "y": 2471.0,
+ "z": 85.0
+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "shelf_80deep_04",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_80deep_04/shelf_80deep_04.shelf_80deep_04'",
+ "name": "106197"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 25.0,
+ "y": 2318.0,
+ "z": -25.0
+ },
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "office_chair_briefing",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_briefing/office_chair_briefing.office_chair_briefing'",
+ "name": "106200"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 25.0,
+ "y": 2375.0,
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+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "office_chair_briefing",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_briefing/office_chair_briefing.office_chair_briefing'",
+ "name": "106201"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
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+ },
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/pd2_dlc_red/props/red_prop_office_walls/red_prop_office_wall_corner_01/red_prop_office_wall_corner_01.red_prop_office_wall_corner_01'",
+ "name": "106207"
+ },
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+ "x": 505.0,
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+ },
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/prop_filebox_01/prop_filebox_01.prop_filebox_01'",
+ "name": "106209"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 31.0,
+ "y": 1989.0,
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "copy_machine_03",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/copy_machine/copy_machine_03/copy_machine_03.copy_machine_03'",
+ "name": "106210"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": 1721.0,
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "copy_machine1",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/copy_machine/copy_machine1/copy_machine1.copy_machine1'",
+ "name": "106216"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": 1587.0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/prop_filebox_01/prop_filebox_01.prop_filebox_01'",
+ "name": "106220"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/a4paperbox_02/a4paperbox_02.a4paperbox_02'",
+ "name": "106221"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": 1590.0,
+ "z": 57.8601
+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ "roll": 180.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/a4paperbox_top_01/a4paperbox_top_01.a4paperbox_top_01'",
+ "name": "106222"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/a4paperbox_bottom_01/a4paperbox_bottom_01.a4paperbox_bottom_01'",
+ "name": "106223"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "desk_folderpile_04",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_04/desk_folderpile_04.desk_folderpile_04'",
+ "name": "106224"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 25.2408,
+ "y": 1571.71,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "shelf_wall_single_2m",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_wall_single_2m/shelf_wall_single_2m.shelf_wall_single_2m'",
+ "name": "106225"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/shelfs/shelf_wall_single_2m/shelf_wall_single_2m.shelf_wall_single_2m'",
+ "name": "106226"
+ },
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+ "y": 1497.71,
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/a4paperbox_02/a4paperbox_02.a4paperbox_02'",
+ "name": "106227"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "prop_filebox_01",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/prop_filebox_01/prop_filebox_01.prop_filebox_01'",
+ "name": "106228"
+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "prop_filebox_01",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/prop_filebox_01/prop_filebox_01.prop_filebox_01'",
+ "name": "106229"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "trash_basket",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_basket/trash_basket.trash_basket'",
+ "name": "106230"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": 1419.0,
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "book_shelf",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/book_shelf/book_shelf/book_shelf.book_shelf'",
+ "name": "106238"
+ },
+ {
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "binder",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
+ "name": "106239"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/box/a4paperbox_02/a4paperbox_02.a4paperbox_02'",
+ "name": "106240"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
+ "name": "106241"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder/binder.binder'",
+ "name": "106242"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": 1435.0,
+ "z": 201.01
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder_pile/binder_pile.binder_pile'",
+ "name": "106243"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": 1437.0,
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/yacht/flowers/lxy_prop_flower_vase/lxy_prop_flower_vase.lxy_prop_flower_vase'",
+ "name": "106244"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder_pile/binder_pile.binder_pile'",
+ "name": "106245"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": 1896.0,
+ "z": 298.95
+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "airconditioner_01",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/airconditioner/airconditioner_01/airconditioner_01.airconditioner_01'",
+ "name": "106287"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": 1419.0,
+ "z": 348.08
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+ "unit_description": "airconditioner_01",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/airconditioner/airconditioner_01/airconditioner_01.airconditioner_01'",
+ "name": "106289"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
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+ "z": -24.97
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/flags/flag_us/flag_us.flag_us'",
+ "name": "106291"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/pd2_dlc2/props/bnk_prop_lobby_plant_dracaenafragrans/bnk_prop_lobby_plant_dracaenafragrans_b/bnk_prop_lobby_plant_dracaenafragrans_b.bnk_prop_lobby_plant_dracaenafragrans_b'",
+ "name": "106293"
+ },
+ {
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "watercooler",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/water/watercooler/watercooler.watercooler'",
+ "name": "106294"
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+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/tables/table_coffee_02/table_coffee_02.table_coffee_02'",
+ "name": "106295"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/queue_pole/queue_pole_2/queue_pole_2.queue_pole_2'",
+ "name": "106300"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/statues/statue_base/statue_base.statue_base'",
+ "name": "106305"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/statues/statue_base/statue_base.statue_base'",
+ "name": "106307"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "106309"
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+ "name": "106310"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/gym/stn_prop_monitor/stn_prop_monitor/stn_prop_monitor.stn_prop_monitor'",
+ "name": "106311"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "106314"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_briefing/office_chair_briefing.office_chair_briefing'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_briefing/office_chair_briefing.office_chair_briefing'",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "106319"
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_phone_02/desk_phone_02.desk_phone_02'",
+ "name": "106320"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_briefing/office_chair_briefing.office_chair_briefing'",
+ "name": "106325"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/briefcase/briefcase1/briefcase1.briefcase1'",
+ "name": "106326"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/receptiondesk_glass_medium/receptiondesk_glass_medium.receptiondesk_glass_medium'",
+ "name": "106327"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "106328"
+ },
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+ "name": "106131"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/bank/bank_glass_c/bank_glass_c/bank_glass_c.bank_glass_c'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/bank/bank_glass_c/bank_glass_c/bank_glass_c.bank_glass_c'",
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+ "name": "100177"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/office_chair_boss_noarms/office_chair_boss_noarms.office_chair_boss_noarms'",
+ "name": "105220"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "106128"
+ },
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+ "name": "106143"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/architecture/bank/bank_glass_c/bank_glass_c/bank_glass_c.bank_glass_c'",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/paintings/painting_07/painting_07.painting_07'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/payday2/props/off_prop_appliance_mouse/off_prop_appliance_mouse/off_prop_appliance_mouse.off_prop_appliance_mouse'",
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+ "name": "100512"
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+ "name": "105010"
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+ },
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+ "name": "101672"
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+ },
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+ "name": "101699"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/payday2/pickups/gen_pku_money_multi/gen_pku_money_multi/gen_pku_money_multi.gen_pku_money_multi'",
+ "name": "100612"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/pd2_dlc_red/props/red_prop_office_windows/red_prop_office_window_06/red_prop_office_window_06.red_prop_office_window_06'",
+ "name": "105836"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/pd2_dlc_red/props/red_prop_office_windows/red_prop_office_window_06/red_prop_office_window_06.red_prop_office_window_06'",
+ "name": "105834"
+ },
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+ "name": "105837"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/office_desk03/office_desk03.office_desk03'",
+ "name": "105839"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "chair_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
+ "name": "105840"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "trash_basket",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_basket/trash_basket.trash_basket'",
+ "name": "105841"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "copy_machine_03",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/copy_machine/copy_machine_03/copy_machine_03.copy_machine_03'",
+ "name": "105842"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": -1324.0,
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+ "z": 69.9815
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ "pitch": 0.0,
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_case/computer_case.computer_case'",
+ "name": "105843"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": -1327.0,
+ "y": -1240.0,
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+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "computer_case",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_case/computer_case.computer_case'",
+ "name": "105844"
+ },
+ {
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+ "z": -10.001
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "chair_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
+ "name": "105846"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/trashcan/trash_basket/trash_basket.trash_basket'",
+ "name": "105847"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": -1238.0,
+ "z": 70.0
+ },
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+ "rotation_vector": {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "desk_phone_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_phone_02/desk_phone_02.desk_phone_02'",
+ "name": "105848"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/payday2/props/off_prop_appliance_mouse/off_prop_appliance_mouse/off_prop_appliance_mouse.off_prop_appliance_mouse'",
+ "name": "105849"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "105850"
+ },
+ {
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+ "z": 70.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desk_accessories/desk_folderpile_04/desk_folderpile_04.desk_folderpile_04'",
+ "name": "105851"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "105852"
+ },
+ {
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+ "name": "105853"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": -1794.0,
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/computer/computer_keyboard/computer_keyboard.computer_keyboard'",
+ "name": "105855"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": -1225.0,
+ "y": -1800.0,
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/payday2/props/off_prop_appliance_mouse/off_prop_appliance_mouse/off_prop_appliance_mouse.off_prop_appliance_mouse'",
+ "name": "105857"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "chair_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/chair/chair_02/chair_02.chair_02'",
+ "name": "105858"
+ },
+ {
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+ "y": -1277.0,
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/cubicle/cubicle1/cubicle1.cubicle1'",
+ "name": "105859"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/desks/office_desk03/office_desk03.office_desk03'",
+ "name": "105860"
+ },
+ {
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/cubicle/cubicle1/cubicle1.cubicle1'",
+ "name": "105861"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "painting_05",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/paintings/painting_05/painting_05.painting_05'",
+ "name": "105862"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "wall_lamp",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/wall_lamp/wall_lamp.wall_lamp'",
+ "name": "105864"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": -1738.0,
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/book_shelf/book_shelf/book_shelf.book_shelf'",
+ "name": "105866"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "book_shelf",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/diamond_heist/apartment/apartment_livingroom/book_shelf/book_shelf/book_shelf.book_shelf'",
+ "name": "105867"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/filecabinet/prop_filecabinet_02/prop_filecabinet_02.prop_filecabinet_02'",
+ "name": "105869"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "unit_description": "binder_pile",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/binders/binder_pile/binder_pile.binder_pile'",
+ "name": "105870"
+ },
+ {
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+ "z": -10.459
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/light/floor_lamp/floor_lamp.floor_lamp'",
+ "name": "105871"
+ },
+ {
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+ "unit_description": "bnk_prop_lobby_plant_dracaenafragrans_b",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/office/water/watercooler/watercooler.watercooler'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/payday2/vehicles/str_vehicle_bmw/str_vehicle_bmw/str_vehicle_bmw.str_vehicle_bmw'",
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+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/vegetation/jungle/jungletree_small/jungletree_small.jungletree_small'",
+ "name": "106007"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/vegetation/jungle/jungletree_small/jungletree_small.jungletree_small'",
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/world/props/bank/pipe_ladder/pipe_ladder/pipe_ladder.pipe_ladder'",
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+ },
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+ "name": "106714"
+ },
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+ "name": "106715"
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+ "name": "102609"
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/payday2/props/str_prop_alley_trash_container/str_prop_alley_trash_container/str_prop_alley_trash_container.str_prop_alley_trash_container'",
+ "name": "104546"
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/lights/light_projection_01/light_projection_01/light_projection_01.light_projection_01'",
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+ "name": "106838"
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+ "name": "106840"
+ },
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+ "name": "106870"
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+ },
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+ "name": "104972"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "107079"
+ },
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+ "z": 475.0
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+ "yaw": -0.0,
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+ "roll": -0.0
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/dev_tools/level_tools/dev_bag_collision/dev_bag_collision_1x3m/dev_bag_collision_1x3m.dev_bag_collision_1x3m'",
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+ "name": "107081"
+ },
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+ "name": "107082"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 385.0,
+ "y": -3950.0,
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+ "name": "107083"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 385.0,
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+ "z": 475.002
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+ "yaw": -0.0,
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+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "name": "107084"
+ },
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+ "y": -3750.0,
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+ "yaw": -0.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
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+ },
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+ "name": "107086"
+ },
+ {
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+ "x": 385.0,
+ "y": -3675.0,
+ "z": 475.002
+ },
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+ "yaw": -0.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "dev_collision_1x3m",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/dev_tools/level_tools/dev_collision/dev_collision_1x3m/dev_collision_1x3m.dev_collision_1x3m'",
+ "name": "107085"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 385.0,
+ "y": -3575.0,
+ "z": 475.002
+ },
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+ "yaw": -0.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
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+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/dev_tools/level_tools/dev_collision/dev_collision_1x3m/dev_collision_1x3m.dev_collision_1x3m'",
+ "name": "107087"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": 385.0,
+ "y": -3500.0,
+ "z": 475.002
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "0 0 0 -1",
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+ "yaw": -0.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "dev_collision_1x3m",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/dev_tools/level_tools/dev_collision/dev_collision_1x3m/dev_collision_1x3m.dev_collision_1x3m'",
+ "name": "107088"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": -1601.0,
+ "y": 450.0,
+ "z": -25.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "2.99471E-22 1.49736E-22 1 5.96046E-08",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -180.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "red_int_elevator_shaft_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/pd2_dlc_red/architecture/red_int_elevator_shaft/red_int_elevator_shaft_02/red_int_elevator_shaft_02.red_int_elevator_shaft_02'",
+ "name": "107089"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": -2401.0,
+ "y": 450.0,
+ "z": -25.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "2.99471E-22 1.49736E-22 1 5.96046E-08",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": -180.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "red_int_elevator_shaft_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/pd2_dlc_red/architecture/red_int_elevator_shaft/red_int_elevator_shaft_02/red_int_elevator_shaft_02.red_int_elevator_shaft_02'",
+ "name": "107090"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": -2401.0,
+ "y": 2050.0,
+ "z": -25.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "1.49736E-22 -2.99471E-22 2.68221E-07 -1",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 0.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "red_int_elevator_shaft_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/pd2_dlc_red/architecture/red_int_elevator_shaft/red_int_elevator_shaft_02/red_int_elevator_shaft_02.red_int_elevator_shaft_02'",
+ "name": "107092"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": -1601.0,
+ "y": 2050.0,
+ "z": -25.0
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "1.49736E-22 -2.99471E-22 2.68221E-07 -1",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 0.0,
+ "pitch": 0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "red_int_elevator_shaft_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/pd2_dlc_red/architecture/red_int_elevator_shaft/red_int_elevator_shaft_02/red_int_elevator_shaft_02.red_int_elevator_shaft_02'",
+ "name": "107093"
+ },
+ {
+ "position": {
+ "x": -797.654,
+ "y": 25.0,
+ "z": 475.02
+ },
+ "rotation_quaternion": "-9.81359E-08 1.3411E-07 0.707107 -0.707107",
+ "rotation_vector": {
+ "yaw": 90.0,
+ "pitch": -0.0,
+ "roll": -0.0
+ },
+ "unit_description": "red_int_elevator_shaft_02",
+ "path": "/Script/Engine.StaticMesh'/Game/units/pd2_dlc_red/architecture/red_int_elevator_shaft/red_int_elevator_shaft_02/red_int_elevator_shaft_02.red_int_elevator_shaft_02'",
+ "name": "107094"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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diff --git a/blender_script.py b/blender_script.py
index fd77aaf..51438bf 100644
--- a/blender_script.py
+++ b/blender_script.py
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# Display print() in the blender console window for debuging
-def print(data):
- for window in bpy.context.window_manager.windows:
- screen = window.screen
- for area in screen.areas:
- if area.type == 'CONSOLE':
- override = {'window': window, 'screen': screen, 'area': area}
- bpy.ops.console.scrollback_append(override, text=str(data), type="OUTPUT")
+#def print(data):
+# for window in bpy.context.window_manager.windows:
+# screen = window.screen
+# for area in screen.areas:
+# if area.type == 'CONSOLE':
+# override = {'window': window, 'screen': screen, 'area': area}
+# bpy.ops.console.scrollback_append(override, text=str(data), type="OUTPUT")
for material in bpy.data.materials:
bpy.data.materials.remove(material, do_unlink=True)